Catalogue Entries

AMSA Response PD Online
The purpose of this course is to provide professional development opportunities focused on maritime pollution response.

Conduct Air Search Operations (ASO-3)
This module has been developed to provide an understanding of how to conduct air search operations.
- how to plan for and participate in air search activities
- how to conduct air search operations
- how to respond to aircraft emergencies
- how to survive at sea, and
- how to conduct post operation activities.

Conduct Post Operation Activities (ASO 6)
This is the sixth module of the Air Search Observer Program and has been developed to provide an understanding of how to conduct post operation activities.
- how to plan for and participate in air search activities
- how to conduct air search operations
- how to respond to aircraft emergencies
- how to survive at sea, and
- how to conduct post operation activities

Domestic Vessel Pre-Accreditation Interview Preparedness Check
Do you want to be an accredited marine surveyor under the National Law? This online quiz is aimed at assisting those who are aspiring to be accredited domestic commercial vessel surveyors under the National Law.
The purpose of this module is to allow you to assess your own preparedness for a National Law surveyor accreditation interview.

How to set up a Mentoring Relationship
This course offers useful guidance on how to set up and participate in a mentoring relationship effectively.
The 3-part e-learn includes:
- Creating a Successful Mentoring Relationship
- Making a Mentoring Agreement
- Mentoring Meeting Guidelines

Introduction to Air Search Observer (ASO 1)
Welcome to the Air Search Observer program. We recommend that you start here, at the beginning with ASO 1 - Introduction to Air Search Observer.
- how to plan for and participate in air search activities
- how to conduct air search operations
- how to respond to aircraft emergencies
- how to survive at sea, and
- how to conduct post operation activities.

Module 1: Introduction to National Plan and Incident Management
This course forms part of the Pollution Response series and we recommend you complete the following related courses:
- Introduction to Oil Spills
- Health and Safety in an Oil Spill, and
- Introduction to Chemical Spills.
Module 1 of this program will provide you with an awareness of how Australia combat pollution in the marine environment under Australia’s National Plan for Maritime Environmental Emergencies.
- Define the National Plan
- Outline how legislation supports the National Plan
- Define the National Plan funding principles
- Identify the various divisions of responsibility and the National Plan management structure
- Understand appropriate response methods to an incident using the key principles of incident management, and
- Have an overview of oil spill response tools and strategies.

Module 2 - Introduction to Oil Spills
This course forms part of the Pollution Response series and we recommend you complete the following related courses:
- Introduction to National Plan and Incident Management
- Health and Safety in an Oil Spill, and
- Introduction to Chemical Spills.
Module 2 of this program will provide you with an awareness of how we combat pollution in the marine environment under Australia’s National Plan for Maritime Environmental Emergencies.
- Understand and define different types of oil
- Understand how oil spills are responded to effectively and efficiently
- Understand how response priorities are determined, and
- Understand how to report ship sourced pollution..

Module 3 - Health and Safety in an Oil Spill
This course forms part of the Pollution Response series and we recommend you complete the following related courses:
- Introduction to National Plan and Incident Management
- Introduction to Oil Spills, and
- Introduction to Chemical Spills.
- Identify key safety regulations relevant to your State or Territory
- Define the different types of oil Identify potential hazards and risks when working with oil
- Wear the correct personal protective equipment (PPE) when responding to an incident, and
- Identify the inclusions of a health and safety plan for your site.

Module 4 - Introduction to Chemical Spills
This course forms part of the Pollution Response series and we recommend you complete the following related courses:
- Introduction to National Plan and Incident Management
- Introduction to Oil Spills, and
- Introduction to Health and Safety at Oil Spills.
- Recognise chemical incidents and hazards
- Understand how to assess chemical spills, and
- Identify chemical spill response methods

Prepare for Air Search Operations (ASO 2)
- how to plan for and participate in air search activities
- how to conduct air search operations how to respond to aircraft emergencies
- how to survive at sea, and
- how to conduct post operation activities.

Respond to Aircraft Emergencies (ASO 4)
This module has been developed to provide an understanding of how to respond to aircraft emergencies.
- how to plan for and participate in air search activities
- how to conduct air search operations
- how to respond to aircraft emergencies
- how to survive at sea, and
- how to conduct post operation activities
Victorian Maritime Emergencies
This module has been developed to provide an understanding of Victoria's maritime emergencies framework as part of the National Exercise - Exercise Kunawarra